1. How did you know to call Poison Control Center?
2. Where did you find the number to call the Poison Control Center?

3. If the Poison Control Center was not available to you what would you have done?

4. Do you have medical insurance?
5. Did the Poison Control Center Staff member(s) you spoke with use words that you understood?
6. Was the Poison Control Center staff member(s) knowledgeable?
7. Did the Poison Control Staff member(s) give you instructions you could follow?
8. Was the Poison Control Center staff member(s) you spoke with courteous and friendly?
9. Is there a Poison Control Staff member(s) you would like to recognize for a job well done?
10. Do you feel the Poison Control Center answered all your questions?
11. Would you use our service again?
12. Would you recommend our service to friends or family members?

*13. Would you be willing to be contacted by our Public Relations Department to share your experience for a news story if needed?

14. Please feel free to leave us any additional comments, concerns or feedback: