The Leadership Accelerator Imaginarium will be focused on actions to radically simplify, clarify and accelerate decision making for Banner’s leadership, including:

  • Examining the effectiveness of the executive leadership team and how they make decisions on behalf of the organization (3-year operating plan).
  • Streamlining internal governance committees, decision making and planning processes (Sun-setting and rechartering of all committees).
  • Creating a tighter link between the organizational strategy and operating plans.

To better gauge this transformation, change management team will administrate a series of surveys sent to you to determine individual progress and next steps. This assessment is intended to provide baseline measures of where you started and how you progressed through the change. The answers you provide will help us improve the change management process wave over wave. We encourage you to be as candid and specific as possible in your responses. 

This is one of three (1 of 3) assessments you will receive:

  • Survey one: Aug 14-21 
  • Survey two: Sept 21-28
  • Survey three: Nov 15-22

The assessment should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. 

Thank you in advance for supporting this process and completing the assessment.

Imagine: Leadership Accelerator Imaginarium Change Management Assessment Survey

*Please select your Region/Division:
*Please select if your primary role: